Райлян Татьяна Петровна 7 мая 2015
Решетник Татьяна Петровна, учитель английского языка (первый год работы)
Открытый урок по теме The World of Animals”в 4 классе
Цели урока:
Образовательные: расширить знания учащихся о жизни животных,  обобщить и закрепить лексику.
Развивающие:                                                                                                                                                           - развить следующие качества:
  • творческие мыслительные способности
  • смысловую догадку
  • умение выражать свои мысли
  • интуицию
  • познавательный интерес
Воспитательные: воспитать доброжелательное отношение к миру животных через создание эмоционально-положительной атмосферы на уроке.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Оснащение урока:
- карточки с изображением животных
- карточки – задания на электронных носителях
- презентация PowerPoint
  1. Начало урока                                                                                                               Организационный момент.
Good afternoon, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Today we have an unusual lesson. Let’s listen to the poem “My Cat”.                                                                                                                                                          My Cat                              (Ученики читают стихотворение)                                                                             I’ve got a cat                                                                                                                                                                      Her name is Pam.                                                                                                                                                    She can do this,                                                                                                                                                       She can do that.                                                                                                                                                       Look at my cat!                                                                                                                                                       Tricks she can do.                                                                                                                                                   I love my cat,                                                                                                                                                          She loves me too.                                                                                                                                         Teacher: Guess… What will we talk about?                                                                                               Pupils: We will talk about animals.                                                                                                                         Teacher: You are right. We are going to have a “Brain Ring”. We will solve puzzles, do different exercises. Are you ready to begin?                                                                                                                              Dear pupils, let's divide into two groups: yellow and orange. (Учитель делит класс на группы, называя: orange, yellow).                                                                                                                                                                     Teacher: Orange, raise your hands! Come here. You are the team of orange. For a right answer – you will get an orange.                                                                                                                                                                     Yellow, raise your hands! Come here. You are the team of yellow, and you will get a lemon.                           II. Основной этап
Find the transcription.                                                                                                                                                  The first task is the following: match the word with its transcription:
Cat                       [‘krɔkədail]                                                                                                                                wolf                      [kæt]                                                                                                                               crocodile              [wulf]                                                                                                                              camel                    [‘elifənt]                                                                                                                               duck                      [kæməl]                                                                                                                                             elephant                [dΛk]                                                                                                                                                                               
Complete the table.                                                                                                                                                Look at these animals. What kind of animals are these? (Дети по очереди берут картинки с изображением животных и прикрепляют их на доску в соответствующее место на схеме).
                    (Example: Monkey is a wild animal).           
Аудирование (listening comprehension)                                                                                                            Listen to the text and then you’ll answer the questions. 
      I’ve got a friend. His name is Bob. He is four, and I am five. My friend and I like to play.                      Bob has got many toys. I’ve got many toys, too. We’ve got three big grey elephants, five little brown monkeys, ten little yellow ducks, two black dogs, one little white dog, many cats, kittens and birds.                      It’s fun to play with toy-animals!                                                                                                                            Answer my questions, please.  (Comprehension questions)                                                                                      1. How old is Bob? (He is four).                                                                                                                                  2. What toy-animals have the boys got? (Bob has got elephants, monkeys, ducks, dogs, cats, kittens and birds).                                                                                                                                                                   3. How many monkeys have they got? (They have got five monkeys).                                                                  4. What colour are the elephants? (The elephants are grey).
Guess the sounds:                                                                                                                                                              Do you like riddles? Then listen to some animal sounds and try to guess these animals. (Звучат голоса животных, а учащиеся называют животных в речевой структуре с глаголом “to be”).
  • What is it?   (Is it a lion?)                                                                                 
Физкультминутка  под подвижную музыку                                                                          
Используются глаголы, обозначающие движение животных. Данная лексика необходима для достижения конечного результата – составления описания животного в виде загадки.
Teacher: I think the animals are always very active. Let’s move a little bit. Please, stand up. Now let’s jump, run, fly, walk, swim, and climb (учащиеся выполняют несложные движения по команде учителя).                        Teacher: Thank you. Sit down, please.                                                                                                       
Guess the riddles.                                                                                                                                                  You have to write a riddle about an animal. And the other team should guess it. So let’s begin! …     Thank you very much. I see that you can work in groups very well. You are very active and I think that you like the lesson.           
Who knows animals best?                                                                                                                                    Look at the screen and choose the right answer. (Слайды)
  1. Where does the dolphin live?                                                                                                                                             a) In the mountains                                                                                                                                     b) in the fields                                                                                                                                             c) in the seas
  2. What does the eagle eat?                                                                                                                                         a) it likes to eat green leaves of the trees                                                                                                     b) it eats mice, small birds and animals                                                                                                    c) it drinks milk
  3. Which animal is the longest?                                                                                                                                   a) the snake                                                                                                                                                 b) the wolf                                                                                                                                                   c) the frog
  4. Which animal can live in the desert?                                                                                                                       a) the giraffe                                                                                                                                                b) the  camel                                                                                                                                               c) the bear      
  5. What do cows do for people?                                                                                                                                 a) they carry things and people                                                                                                                    b) they can fly                                                                                                                                                         c) they give milk and meat
  6. Which animals cannot live in the ocean?                                                                                                                a) dolphins and fish                                                                                                                                     b) sharks                                                                                                                                                       c) camels and sheep
  7. Which animals live in Russia?                                                                                                                                 a) monkeys                                                                                                                                                   b) koalas                                                                                                                                                       c) foxes
  8. Who lives in the north?                                                                                                                                           a) black bear                                                                                                                                                 b) white bear                                                                                                                                              c) brown bear                                                                                                                                     
Well done! I see you really know a lot about animals.                                           
III. Завершающий этап                                                                                                                                                  Our lesson is over. I am very pleased with your answers. You have worked hard today. Let’s count your points and choose the winner.