Чернега Галина Викторовна 7 мая 2015
Чернега  Галина Викторовна,
учитель английского языка II категории
 План-конспект урока « We and environment»
Цели урока:
-формировать лексико-грамматические навыки и умения по теме« We and environment», используя Present Simple Passive Voice; обогащать словарный запас учащихся;
- развивать способности к переключению внимания в упражнениях разных видах речевой деятельности по теме “ We and environment”;
-воспитывать бережное отношение к окружающей среде,  прививать любовь к природе.
Оборудование: иллюстрации, учебник, распечатки с заданиями, проектор.
                                Ход урока.
     1. Greeting.
-Good morning, children! I am glad to see you again. Who is absent today? Who is on duty today?
The topic of our lesson is “ We and environment”
2. Phonetic drills.
T.: Give Russian equivalents of English word combinations: reduce pollution- уменьшать загрязнение, protect nature – охранять природу, destroy wildlife –разрушать дикую природу, damage nature –повреждать природу, pollute nature – загрязнять природу, disturb wild animals – беспокоить диких животных, throw away litter – бросать мусор, spoil the environment – портить окружающую среду.
3.Work with the signs.
T.: Look at these signs. Have you seen any of them? What do they mean? In Britain you can often come across these international signs. Match the sign, its meaning and Russian equivalent. (The teacher shows the signs to the pupils.)
Keep your country tidy! Береги природу.
Keep off the grass. По газонам не ходить.
Put your litter in the bin! Не сорить!
Keep dogs under control. Выгул собак запрещен.
Recycle! Перерабатывайте отходы!
Respect the life and work of the countryside. Уважайте жизнь природы.
T.: What are these signs for?
P.: I think if people keep off the grass, they don’t damage nature.
P.: To my mind if people put the litter in the bin they don’t pollute nature.
P.: If people respect the life and work of the countryside they don’t disturb wild animals.
4. Work with pictures.
T.:Not only signs help to protect nature. British and American children learn a lot about the environment at school. All of them remember the three R’s: reduce (сокращать), reuse (использовать второй раз), recycle (перерабатывать отходы).
What can (must) we reduce? Reuse? Recycle? Look at the pictures and say.
P.: We can reduce using electricity and water.
P.: We must reuse glass bottles.
P.: We must recycle newspapers, papers and books.
P.: We must recycle plastic bottles, containers, cans.
5. Talking about Earth Day.
T.: What do you know about the twenty-second of April?
P.: It is Earth day. On the twenty-second of April people demonstrate their concern for a better environment. It was held in 1970.
T.: Do you know that there are over 300 nature centres in Britain cities. There are a lot of environment groups: Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and others.
What are these groups’ concerns?
P.: The main concerns are air, sea, river and land pollution, recycling, ect.
T.: Land, air, water are important for flowers, trees, animals, birds, fish and people. But what’s happening now?
P.: The forests are cut down.
P.: When the forests disappear many animals are disturbed.
P.: Many trees are cut down for building.
P.: Most of the countryside is spoiled.
P.: A lot of rivers and lakes are polluted.
P.: Sea animals are hurt.
P.: Air pollution is not reduced.
6. Work with the illustration.
T.: Sometimes children break rules when visit the countryside. Look at the picture and match the statements with numbers.
1. Baby trees are damaged.
2. Birds are disturbed.
3. Trees are painted.
4. The fire is left.
5. The air is polluted.
6. The place isn’t cleaned up.
7. Animals are hurt.
7. Making up the sentences using Present Simple Passive Voice.
T.: What are the results of our influence on the environment? Make up your own sentences using Present Simple Passive Voice. Open your books on page79 ex. 5.
1.We leave a fire. We destroy the forest.
When the fire is left, the forest is destroyed.
  1. We pollute the air. We change the climate.
When the air is polluted, the climate is changed.
  1. We throw away plastic bottles. We damage nature.
When plastic bottles are thrown away, nature is damaged.
  1. We leave litter in the forests. We hurt animals.
When litter is left in the forests, animals are hurt.
  1. We don’t recycle paper. We cut down trees to make new paper.
When paper isn’t recycled, trees are cut down to make new paper.
  1. We break trees. We disturb birds.
When trees are broken, birds are disturbed.
  1. We leave glass bottles in the forest. We hurt animals and people.
When glass bottles are left, animals and people are hurt.
  1. Using the technology “ Chinguin”
T.: Let’s say about environment in few words.
Name two adjectives which characterize environment.
Name three verbs which characterize environment.
What does environment mean? (five nouns)
Give the synonym of the word “environment”.
fragile, pure
lives, flies, swims, runs
animals and plants around us
  1. Conclusion.
T.: At last I want to give you some advice. Read and translate them, please.
Words of advice
  1. Walk or use a bicycle instead of going by car.
  2. Don’t make litter with paper, cans or bottles.
  3. Recycle used materials such as metal, bottles and paper.
  4. Plant more trees.
  5. Feed birds in winter and help them survive in the cold.
  6. Save energy. Use less electricity and gas. Turn off the light when you leave a room.
  7. Clear rubbish from lakes and rivers.
  8. Have showers not baths. Showers use less water.
  T.: Today we have spoken about our influence on the environment. Remember – to hurt the Earth is to hurt yourselves. That’s why take care of our planet.
Your makes are…
Your home task for the next time is to learn the advice by heart. The lesson is over. Good bye.